Study Questions | 1 Samuel 21

These questions are designed to help you read and study the Bible passage that will be preached next week. Our prayer is that these questions will assist you in growing deeper in God’s Word as you examine the Scriptures daily to see if these things are so (Acts 17:11).

Read 1 Samuel 21:1–9.

  1. Looking at the context in chapter 20, why is David a fugitive?

  2. Why is the priest afraid in v. 1?

  3. In v. 2, why does David lie? What is his motivation in your view?

  4. Do you think his lie is justifiable or unjustifiable?

  5. What does David ask of Ahimelech?

  6. Look at v. 4. Why was the bread considered holy? Turn in your Bible to Leviticus 24:5–9 for more context.

  7. Was it wrong for the priest to give holy bread to David? Why or why not? How can you apply your answer to Christian living today?

  8. Turn in your Bible to Matthew 12:1–8. How does Jesus apply our text from 1 Samuel?

  9. What does v. 7 foreshadow? Skim 1 Samuel 22:6–23.

  10. Does the outcome of David’s lie affect your answer to question 4?

Read 1 Samuel 21:10–15.

  1. Who else was from Gath? See 1 Samuel 17:4.

  2. Of all places, why do you think David fled to this city?

  3. What happens to David in Gath? Why was David afraid?

  4. How does David escape?

  5. Read Psalm 34.

    • According to the preface, what is the setting for this psalm?

    • How does David reflect on his fears (vv. 8–9)?

    • How does David reflect on his lies (vv. 11–14)?