Study Questions | 1 Samuel 20

These questions are designed to help you read and study the Bible passage that will be preached next week. Our prayer is that these questions will assist you in growing deeper in God’s Word as you examine the Scriptures daily to see if these things are so (Acts 17:11).

Read 1 Samuel 20:1-11.

  1. How do Jonathan and David disagree in vv. 1-4?

  2. How is their dialogue helpful for us today as we experience disagreement with others?

  3. Look at the word “covenant” in v. 8. According to The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, a covenant is “a mutual commitment of an intensely personal kind.” If you have a concordance in the back of your Bible, look up the references to “covenant” in the Bible.

  4. What is a covenant in your view?

  5. Can you think of other “covenants” in the modern world?

  6. How do you see Jonathan’s covenant faithfulness to David?

  7. How do you see David’s Covenant faithfulness to Jonathan? 

Read 1 Samuel 20:12-23.

  1. What plan do Jonathan and David concoct in the field?

  2. How does Jonathan show covenant faithfulness to David?

  3. How does Jonathan seek covenant faithfulness from David?

Read 1 Samuel 20:24-34.

  1. Try telling the story in your own words.

  2. How do we see the depravity of Saul?

  3. What does Jonathan’s covenant faithfulness lead him to do? What is the result?

  4. What can we learn from Jonathan’s bravery today?

Read 1 Samuel 35-42.

  1. Try telling the story in your own words.

  2. Look at the word peace in verse 42. The Hebrew word is shalom. What is the connection between covenant faithfulness and peace?

  3. Is this outward peace or some other form of peace?

  4. God enters into a covenant relationship with his people. How does God’s covenant faithfulness produce peace?