““Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.”
Our Vision
We desire to see all people find hope through faith in Jesus Christ so that they can worship God, walk in community, and share their hope in every sphere of life.
Our Mission
We are a worshiping community where anyone can explore the hope of Christianity, and followers of Christ can be equipped to share their hope in every sphere of life.
A place to explore the hope of Christianity.
Perhaps you were raised in a church but you’re not sure if Christianity is for you. Perhaps you don't know anything about the Bible. Perhaps you feel hopeless and don't know where to turn. No matter what your story is, we are a safe place to explore the hard questions of life.
A place to find hope through faith in Christ.
In our world today, it is popular to explore truth but it is unpopular to say that we have found it. Because God loved us and provided a way of salvation in the gospel, we are not left blindly to grope for hope in a dark world. Jesus lived, died, and was raised from the dead so that we can find hope in him (1 Peter 1:3-5).
A place to be equipped to share your hope.
The apostle Paul says that the church exists “to equip” believers for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). God equips us through three primary means: the Word of God, the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper, and prayer. These “means of grace” are central to our community and life together as a church.
A place to be sent out to share hope in every sphere of life.
The apostle Peter says that believers should always be ready to give a reason for their hope (1 Peter 3:15) and Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). We are called to share our hope in every sphere of life including our family, home, neighborhood, school, workplace, region, and world.
Our Values
Community-Focused yet City-Facing
We want to serve and minister to those in the Media, Aston, Brookhaven, and the Garnet Valley area. Yet, we are a suburb of the two largest cities in two states: Wilmington and Philadelphia. We are committed to reaching out of our suburban bubble to support, serve, and partner with urban ministries in our region and world.
Hospitable yet Evangelistic
We desire to follow the example of the early church, a community of grace that showed this grace in tangible ways to others in the church (Acts 4:32-37). Yet being a church that walks in community together, we also value the outward call of Christians to share their faith to the unbelieving world (Acts 1:8). Hope church values living out the grace of Jesus Christ in both our inward and outward focuses.
Excellent yet Genuine
We are called to excellence in our worship of God and life together as a church. From the quality of the music and preaching down to the taste of the coffee, we want to proclaim God’s glory through excellence. Yet, excellence is not an end in itself. God would rather have the genuine cry of his children than the excellence of hypocrisy (1 Cor. 2:1-5).
Relevant yet Historically-Rooted
We don't want to do something simply because it's "traditional" or “old.” We want to communicate in a manner that is comprehensible to modern people so that they can understand and respond to the gospel in faith and repentance. Yet, as a Presbyterian church, we are glad to stand in line with Christians who have gone before us. We don't reinvent the wheel of gospel ministry. Rather, we draw from the wisdom of past Christians.