““Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
When and where do you meet?
Our worship service is at 10:30 AM. We meet at 601 South New Middletown Road, Media, PA 19063, the former building of Crosspointe Church.
How large is your church?
As a church plant, we generally have around 50 people at our worship services. Click here to learn more about our story.
How long is the service?
Each Sunday morning service lasts for approximately 75 minutes.
Is the space wheelchair accessible?
Our worship space is wheelchair accessible. Unfortunately, our Sunday school, nursery, and fellowship rooms are on a lower level and are not yet wheelchair accessible from within the building. We are more than happy to help those with mobility issues access these rooms through an exterior path. Please don’t hesitate to ask one of our greeters for help locating this path, if needed.
What should I wear?
The environment of Hope is casual yet worshipful. Some people dress up, and some don’t. So, simply put, come as you are.
What are the services like?
Sunday morning services include music, scripture readings, prayers, confessional readings, and relevant, gospel-centered preaching. Here’s a sample bulletin.
What are the sermons like?
We preach the Bible—verse-by-verse and book-by-book. We believe that you’ll find in the pages of Scripture, a compelling story that is relevant to your life. You can listen to some of our most recent sermons here.
What is the music like?
Through our music, we labor to accomplish two things: worship the Triune God and lead our people into doing the same. So we play music that is true, good, and aesthetically beautiful with the aim of teaching our people the truth of the Scriptures, who God is, and what He has done for us for our salvation in Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Bible informs, inspires, and directs our worship when we gather together weekly. Our songs are chosen from modern worship songs and classic hymns and are typically led with piano, violin, and other instruments. Click here for a YouTube playlist containing many songs we sing regularly at Hope.
What about my children?
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship service. We also have a nursery available for children ages 5 and under. Click here to view our “Child and Youth Protection Policy.”
Is there Sunday School?
Yes, we have Sunday School classes every Sunday at 9:30 AM for adults, teens, and children. If you plan to visit for the first time with children, click here for more information.
Are you part of a denomination?
Yes, we are a church plant of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA strives to be “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission.” Click here to learn more about our beliefs.
Do you meet for prayer before worship?
Yes, everyone is welcome to join us for prayer every Sunday at 8:50 AM before our 9:30 AM Sunday School.