Crosspointe Joins Hope

Dear Friends,

At their congregational meeting on Sunday, Crosspointe Church unanimously voted to dissolve as a particular church and to transfer their building, assets, and membership to Hope Presbyterian Church, subject to the approval of Philadelphia Metro West Presbytery and the approval of Hope's provisional session. Since 96% of Hope Church's active members and attendees indicated that they thought absorbing Crosspointe Church would or could be helpful for the mission of Hope and since 0% indicated that they would leave the church if we moved forward, Hope's provisional session unanimously voted to receive the members, building, and assets of Crosspointe, uniting as one church under the leadership, vision, mission, and values of Hope Presbyterian Church.

In one sense, this change involves a sense of loss for both churches. Crosspointe will no longer exist as a particular church of the Presbyterian Church in America after Philadelphia Metro West Presbytery approves their decision. Likewise, Hope will miss our location at the Darlington Arts Center and the sweet fellowship we enjoyed there through the launch of our church and the COVID-19 pandemic.

But in another sense, this change is exciting for both churches. As a unified church, we have the opportunity to grow, reach new people, and pursue the Great Commission from a permanent facility. We have the opportunity to see people brought to faith in Christ and to see people recommit their lives to Jesus. We have the opportunity to see God raise up elders and deacons from one unified church so that we can become self-governing. Ultimately, we would love to see missionaries sent out and new churches planted through the ministry of Hope Presbyterian Church in the coming years.

What are the next steps?

  • First and foremost, don't forget prayer. Give thanks for all God has done and for the Spirit of unity and peace on both sides. Pray that continues. But also, remember that "unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain" (Psalm 127:1). Please pray that God will build this house for his glory! Let us claim the promise of Jesus, who said, "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).

  • Second, I'll be working with the leaders of Crosspointe to schedule our first service as a unified church. It will most likely be on be August 13 or August 20. We are still waiting on formal approval from Philadelphia Metro West Presbytery, but we don't foresee any roadblocks that would prevent us from beginning to meet and to form an identity together as one church.

  • Third, we will still meet for worship this coming Sunday (July 30) at the Darlington Arts Center at 10:30 AM. 

Please be on the lookout for more information soon, and don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

In Christ,
Pastor Will