Dear Hope Presbyterian Church,
In a COVID-19 world, everyone in our culture is asking the same tough question: What does it look like slowly and safely to resume normal life in the weeks and months ahead?
To help Hope Church think through these issues, our provisional session approved a flexible plan. We want to protect lives and guard against the spread of this virus. At the same time, we believe that corporate worship is a means of grace, crucial for the long-term spiritual health of believers and their families.
Therefore, our goal is gradually to resume public gatherings with wise precautions (mirroring Gov. Wolf's process for reopening Pennsylvania). However, since things can change quickly in a global pandemic (as we all know), our session adopted this plan as a “general roadmap,” knowing that it will be changed, clarified, and refined as new information arises. We hope you won't find the plan overwhelming; rather, we hope it will help you visualize where we're going as a church, Lord willing, in the weeks and months ahead. Please pray for God to be glorified through all we do!
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with questions, suggestions, or concerns.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Will Stern