Praying the Psalms During COVID-19 (Day 18)

Day 18 of 30

Today’s Readings:

Morning: Psalms 90-92

Evening: Psalms 93-94

Today’s Devotional Thought:

“Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil.” (Psalms 90:15 ESV)

If you’ve been following these daily devotionals, you’ve probably noticed that I usually expound one or two verses from the daily reading. But today, I want to guide you through a short, inductive study of Psalm 90.

Find a notebook and something to write with. Then open your Bible (or device) to Psalm 90.

  • Read verses 1-2. What is this saying about God? How is it relevant during COVID-19? Take time for prayers of adoration, praising God that he is “from everlasting to everlasting.”

  • Read verses 3-11. What is this saying about God? What is this saying about humanity and our dealings with God? What is this saying about you and me before God? Does it speak to your struggles or sorrows today? Take time to confess your sin, focusing on your own frailty and God’s glorious sovereignty.

  • Read verses 12-17. In this section, Moses turns from prayers of adoration and confession to prayers of supplication. How many requests does he make? What are they? Write them down. What seems most relevant for your life today? Take time and pray these requests back to God in light of your individual struggles and our global crisis.

Monday through Friday: Written by Pastor Stern

Saturday and Sunday: Written by Jonathan Hatt