Day 4 of 30
Today’s Readings:
Morning: Psalms 19-21
Evening: Psalms 22-23
(Click here to print the reading plan)
Today’s Devotional Thought:
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalms 20:7 ESV).
For people in the modern world, trusting in chariots and horses may seem like a pleasant metaphor. But remember, these were prime examples of human power and might in the ancient world. Therefore, I wonder how David would have written this verse in 2020. “Some trust in doctors.” “Some trust in science.” “Some trust in politicians.” “Some trust in the economy.” And what are we trusting to get us through this global pandemic?
Well, in one sense, we are trusting in human power. If we’re sick, we trust in a doctor to provide care. If our business is struggling to make ends meet, we trust in a bank to provide loans. If we lose our jobs, we trust in the government for unemployment. And we’re trusting in doctors, scientists, and epidemiologists to create a vaccine for COVID-19 as soon as possible, Lord willing.
Now there’s nothing inherently wrong with this kind of trust. I’m sure that David placed a certain kind of trust in his horses and mighty men of war (read First and Second Samuel). But he knew not to place his ultimate trust in human might and wisdom. That’s why he says that those who trust in chariots and horses will “collapse and fall” (verse 8a). But those who trust in the name of the Lord will “rise and stand upright” (verse 8b). In other words, placing our ultimate trust in human beings doesn’t work. On the other hand, placing our ultimate hope in the Lord always works out in the end (even if we don’t see it in this life).
So in this current pandemic, we can place limited trust in doctors, bankers, politicians, and epidemiologists. But thankfully, our ultimate trust is in the Lord God Almighty who will never fail.
Ways to Pray:
Forgive me for trusting in human wisdom and strength more than you, O LORD.
Thank you for being more reliable and trustworthy than any mere human.
Let me trust you more today.