Since the pandemic restrictions, the increase of online shopping and at-home delivery has surpassed what anyone could have predicted. And because of man’s propensity to be “inventors of evil” (Romans 1), more than one-third of all Americans have been victims of "porch pirates" who steal packages after delivery to their home. This growing crime is causing people to install cameras, require signatures for deliveries, and use booby-trapped decoy packages to deter thieves; for example, glitter bombs. If you ordered something that you never receive, you can track the package, check with the company, and realize you were the victim of theft. Then you can get your money back or get a replacement for what was stolen. But what if someone send you a present that was stolen? You never received the gift, and you may never know what terrific thing someone wanted you to have.
We have all received so many of God's wonderful gifts every day. But nearly everyone fails to fully thank God for all that He has provided for us. This ingratitude is especially troublesome for those who fail to acknowledge God and receive His gracious gift of salvation. Jesus taught the parable of the sower, describing an evil one who snatches away the Word of the Kingdom so people do not understand the revealed truth of God’s Word (Matthew 13). Paul warned about the god of this world (Satan) who has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ (2 Corinthians 4). If people are not expecting any gift from God, how can we alert them to what has been stolen from them?
As God’s people, we should overflow with joy for all that God has done for us, modeling a life of humble thankfulness for all His good blessings. Then we may earn the right to check with others to see if they received God's gifts for them or if some thief has robbed them of the terrific gifts their Heavenly Father has sent them. Our mission is to show others how to receive God's grace, peace, hope, love, and salvation through Jesus Christ.
But we face a skeptical audience who does not believe in God or does not think that God wants to give them anything good. Everyone knows that their life should be better than it is, even if they cannot find someone to blame for their difficulties. Many have spent decades on their own trying to increase their joy and contentment with little success. Struggles with guilt, health, finances, relationships, family, and jobs remind everyone that life should be better than it is. Surprisingly, many atheists and “nones” are even angry at God over their troubles while still believe He does not exist.
May the wickedness of porch pirates give us an illustration to show others how they have been robbed of the gift of joy, hope, and peace God wants for all of us.