(Or you can also register over the phone at (484) 589-0464)
If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
Maybe you grew up in church but never understood what it’s all about. Maybe you’re a skeptic who has a lot of questions about Christianity. Maybe you don’t know anything about Christianity, but you’re interested in learning more. Maybe you’re a Christian, but you’re simply looking for an opportunity to reconnect with your faith. No matter who you are, Christianity Explored is a place to explore hard questions and to reflect on what Christianity is all about. Who is Jesus? What did he do? Why does it matter?
With a relaxed environment, we’ll begin each week with a dinner for participants and their children. You don’t need to know anything about the Bible; you can be religious or irreligious. Also, you won’t be asked to sing, pray, or read out loud. And you can ask any question you want!
WHEN: The following Sundays from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m
February 9: Good news
February 16: Identity
February 23: Sin
March 1: The cross
March 8: Resurrection
March 15: Grace
March 22: Come and die
The Darlington Arts Center (see map)
The entire course is offered free as a gift to you and your family.
A meal and childcare are provided each week.